CW 08 2025 Track Titan Update
Hello and welcome back. I know I know, it's been a while but as stated before, we are mostly heads down focused on some really, really big projects and we only want to update you when it really matters. Many little tweaks and bug fixes have been shipped as always but let's get into some bigger news with this update.
The brand new Track Titan Desktop App is now available in beta
This has taken a while as it was a big piece of work but here it is: The Track Titan Desktop App is now your all-in-one home for the entire experience from recording, to getting insights, to getting the latest HYMO setups. No more jumping between the app and your browser (unless you want to get insights on another device or on the mobile app, of course) but instead one seamless experience from start to finish.
Want to be one of the first users to get the new experience? Download the brand new Track Titan Desktop App by clicking here. This will only be available via the auto updater later this week.
Let's highlight some key changes/additions one by one below.
1. The full Track Titan web experience is now part of the desktop app
No, this is not just a browser screenshot. This is the app! Looks pretty much the same as what you are used to but it's now combined with all the recording and setup installing functionality as well as some new aspects we dive into further below. And it looks and feels really slick thanks to a mega job by the team.
2. You can now easily see if your laps are being recorded no matter where you are in the app (brand new recording light in the header)
Here, I'm analysing a session but see that little recording light in the top bar? That's new and there to give you instant clarity on new data coming through. Hover over it to set up a new game, disable recording, etc.
3. Key features are now not hidden behind an ugly Windows/Mac menu but integrated neatly into the rest of the app (e.g. our ACC live overlay which we will launch for other sims soon)
Want to install/uninstall a Hymo setup or get started with our ACC Live Overlay? That is now all much easier and nicer to look at. No more going into ugly Windows drop-downs from the early 2000s. We also tried to give you a bit more context around what things like the live overlay actually are and how to get started with them.
PS: We now have our first AC Evo setups!
4. Log in and out in one place
Needless to say, you can still access all previous Track Titan functionality in any browser and the mobile app but if you only want the end-to-end experience in one app, that is now enabled and includes the login/logout flow.
Once again, if you want to get this version before we launch it for all users later this week, you can download it by clicking here.
Track Titan V3 is coming closer - and will coach simracers unlike anything the world has ever seen
In previous updates, we occasionally mentioned some of the continuous improvements we are making to our automated driving tips. What we haven't fully told you is that in the background, we have been working on a brand new version of Track Titan, what we call "Track Titan V3".
V1 was displaying telemetry data nicely but without advice
V2 is what we have today - telemetry data annotated with automated tips to help you identify what is costing you time
V3 will be, well, a complete revolution
What will Track Titan look like in its third iteration?
Try to detach yourself from the idea of telemetry and corners. Think more of what a human coach would explain to you and guide you through to get that ultimate "aha" moment.
This is not going to be some gimmicky AI voice telling you to brake 35 metres later just because that's where someone else braked. This will be us telling you exactly what is costing you time and moreover, the ultimate root cause of it.
Are you really losing time because you are braking too early or are you on the wrong line and therefore have to brake earlier? Is that V-Line really quicker than the traditional line you tried before and if so, by how much and why? And how does my new setup impact these aspects?
This is what we will be able to tell you and importantly, we can do this down to the final thousands of a second. Get ready for a version of Track Titan that will be a must for amateurs and pros alike to identify potential time gains more accurately and faster than ever before.
Where are we now?
Enough with the motivational speech but we do hope it gets you excited and makes you understand why we are not shipping some other features as frequently as before. We simply believe that this is so massive that it's worth focusing on over months and months.
I would genuinely love to share many more details but as always, we are aware that our competitors read this newsletter (which we really appreciate by the way). But let us share some of the raw, nerdy stuff we discuss, look at, try to understand and bang our heads against the wall because of day in, day out. The below images won't tell you much unfortunately but as always, this newsletter is as much about announcements as it is about letting you into our world a bit more. So here it is, our world of charts, racing lines, heatmaps, beautiful hand drawings in the Windows Snipping Tool, discussing them on calls, and more. Enjoy :)

That's it for this week. As always feel free to reach out with questions/comments/ideas at
All the best from London,
Max and the whole TT team