Weekly Track Titan Update

CW 36 Weekly Track Titan Update

Hi all,

This is the first post of this kind. I don't want to bore you with an essay but simply keep the (by now pretty massive) Track Titan community updated on what we are working on, thinking about, talking to you about and whatever seems worth sharing. Please do comment/email us with your questions/comments/thoughts. We re building Track Titan with and for you so the more we engage, the better. Feel free to reach out directly at max@tracktitan.io.
Added a random team pic so you actually see we are real people in a very real (and way too small and way too hot) office. Wolfgang (on the screen) is based in Belgium rather than in the UK so this was the only way to get him into the pic πŸ˜‚.‍

‍Why this weekly newsletter?
This is long overdue. We have been working on Track Titan since 2021, have more than 100,000 users in almost 200 countries and speak to many of you weekly. However, we would like all of you and all simracers who happen to come across us to get a better idea of who we are, what we do and where we think of going next. Since we work on a Wednesday to Wednesday cadence, we will aim to post this weekly update on Thursdays.
What will we write about?
Feature updates, numbers, milestones, achievements, challenges; you name it. We want to be as open as possible but as you can imagine, competitors will read this as well so we naturally can't share confidential details. However, we believe that the main challenge we face is building something simracers actually love rather than competitors trying to imitate us we will lean on the open side.
Calendar Week 36 Update:

Dynamic reference laps
We have added a really exciting new beta feature which is yet to be named but will have a huge impact for all of you: dynamic reference laps. Rather than comparing your laps against one static lap, we will take into account factors such as rain, temperatures and more. If you drive a wet lap in ACC and iRacing, you can already try this out by going into the blue drop down. Let us know what you think. Track Titan now gives you the perfect comparison lap for you and only you. How do we do that? That will remain a secret, all we can say is that we're glad that Tom (who mainly worked on this) studied Maths at university.
Video track guides
We hear from many of you that whilst Track Titan helps you a lot to get faster, it would be great to have more visual references to what "good" looks like. To achieve that we are focused on two things:

  • Creating more "POVs", i.e. the onboard camera view linked to the data on each session
  • Creating more video track guides, especially to watch before you start to drive (here is an example)
  • Total track guides posted on Youtube as of today: 860
  • Total guides posted last week: 200

We want to eventually cover every single game/track/car/weather combination which is a big job but our vision is that no matter your simracing goal, Track Titan has got you covered. Any feedback on the guides would be much appreciated!
AWS costs and speed improvements
For the non-techies amongst you, all the data you generate gets stored and processed using Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the cloud. With more than 100,000 members, you can imagine that that is a ton of data and a lot of the work that goes on behind the scenes is making sure we can actually run all this without it a) collapsing and b) ruining us financially. That might not be as exciting for you as new features but it ensures you get your insights faster, you have more users to compare to and compete against and that we as a company have more resources available to actually build more cool stuff.
Desktop App bug fixes
Very few of you still have issues recording your data and we ship little updates to our desktop app every single week. Making it work across games and PC and console is pretty complicated, hence why things can go wrong sometimes but we try to be on it asap.
That's it for this week. We'll keep you posted on track guides and especially dynamic reference laps since it is a) a game-changing feature and b) pretty damn complicated to get to work automatically so if things look weird, please let us know as we want move this feature out of beta as soon as it is rock solid. Wet weather for ACC and iRacing should work, temperatures are next.

If you want to stay up to date with other updates on Track Titan and all things racing/simracing in general, feel free to add or follow me on LinkedIn.

PS: As you can see and as correctly pointed out by our team member Sasha in her first week, we are interior design masters but hey, who needs stylish office decorations if you have a sim and a race suit in the meeting room.

All the best and keep on racing,


