CW 44 Weekly Track Titan Update
Last week was a big one in many ways; this was such an exciting update to write because very clearly, you guys are excited about and engage with our latest additions to the platform. Great to end October on a high, let's get into it.
Track Titan "Drive to Win" points can now be redeemed for free HYMO esports setups
Last week, we launched Drive to Win for everyone and damn, we couldn't really believe the initial response! Thousands participated, hundreds of you won achievements already and we have given out tens of thousands of points! Crazy first week but things are getting even better: the first rewards are now live!
As you can see below, any single setup can now be paid for with cash or Track Titan points.
Next up: Redeeming points for setup bundles and free subscriptions. If you would like to see any other rewards available, let us know :)
Have some points already and want to redeem them? Head straight to the setup shop.

Special achievements can get you up to ten times as many points - but speed is of the essence!
Drive to Win has thousands of achievements available to you but since yesterday, for a limited amount of time, there are about 60 in there with much, much higher amounts of points available. Getting as few as two achievements can enable you to get a free setup but watch out, if someone else beats the target time before you, you can still claim the achievement if you beat their time but the points halve each time this happens!
These special achievements will revert back to their normal points on Monday so let's get going on these and see how many of them you can claim.
As a reminder, here is what you need to do:
1. Make sure the Track Titan Desktop App is running and recording is enabled
2. Drive and beat the target time
3. Save your replay (or even better, set your sim to auto save to always be eligible for achievements; even those you might not even know/think about)
Voila, once we have fully processed your data and replay upload, you get your points.

Video track guides
We absolutely demolished our previous track guide record and for the first time ever posted more than 300 new video guides in a single week. Don't worry, we're not stopping until we have a guide for every single game/car/track combo out there and we want to even cover every weather scenario.
- Total track guides posted on YouTube as of yesterday: 2,336
- Total new guides posted last week: 330
Want to stay up to date with guides for multiple or one of your favourite sims? Make sure to subscribe to our dedicated YouTube accounts below; it also helps us grow to reach more users which means more activity and comparison data on Track Titan:
- General Track Titan YouTube channel with all guides and many other videos
- iRacing Track Guides channel
- ACC Track Guides channel
- AC Track Guides channel
New AI advice focused on your corner entry
Another week of course means more work on the core of Track Titan: automated driving advice. We just launched new tips to improve your corner entry; specifically around straightening up the braking zone. This can enable you to brake a LOT later as the below example shows. When you have a curved braking zone like is the case in many corners around Paul Ricard, you need to ask yourself: Is the rounder, wider entry worth it or could a more narrow, straighter line actually be better to brake later? In the below example, the answer is very clear as the driver loses almost a second by taking a too round entry line which means they have to brake more gently and therefore earlier.
That's it for this week. As always, feel free to reach out at
If you want to stay up to date with other updates on Track Titan and all things racing/simracing/startups in general, feel free to add or follow me on LinkedIn.
All the best and keep on racing,